A Downhill Spiral


I think it is pretty obvious these days that many people these days do not want to deal with life in general.  There are a bazillion different creams and plastic surgery options for those that don’t want to age (which can go horribly wrong….just watch BOTCHED).   People want to blame society or others for their problems instead of owning up to them. And other people believed that they are “owed” things or privileges because of this or that.  GIVE ME A BREAK!!!   This has to be one of my biggest pet peeves and I also believe that this has a lot to do with the problems of society that we have today.  Much like Dorian Gray, people want to be able to do what they want, when they want, and how they want…..but with no consequences.  It’s ridiculous!  But within that, lies a life of destruction.  Not only do people ruin their own lives, but they can also ruin the lives of others along the way.

This is definitely a rampant problem today!

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