Best & Worst of HUM 101


I guess the thing that I would have left out of our itinerary would have been The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.  This movie did not make any sense to me whatsoever!  In last Thursday’s class, I struggled terribly to stay awake and was hoping that no one saw my head nodding….lol.  I get the gist of most of the characters and I can understand their elements taken from the novels.  But that is it.  I was lost throughout the whole thing.  I didn’t get the plot or anything.  To me, it was just a movie of all these Victorian monsters thrown together haphazardly to go on some nonsense mission.  Maybe I just still don’t know enough about the Victorians to “get it”.

My most favorite aspect of this class has really been the real Victorian monsters.  I love a good mystery and I love to try to figure out what might have possibly gone wrong in their brain to cause their actions.  Burke and Hare, Jack the Ripper, & Amelia Dyer were very easily the most intriguing.  Baby killers, prostitutes, & body snatching…..we are talking about some crazy people here…and I loved it!

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