League of Extraordinary Gentlemen


There are definitely some elements in the characters of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen that mimic those of the ones in the novels.  But there are also some differences in most of them.  My favorite characters were The Invisible Man & Allen Quatermaine.  The Invisible Man was very much like his novel character.  I like the fact that he even made jokes about his “clothing situation”.  Quartermaine was funny too.  He had a very sly sense of humor.  Dorian was a little different in that he claims he never looked at his painting but we know after going through the novel that he does….quite obsessively as a matter of fact.  Also, Jekyll & Hyde was portrayed pretty well also.  His animalistic qualities were shown & so was his shared consciousness.  So as usual, Hollywood missed some of the marks but they did get some of them right.

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