Victorian Monsters


So we have covered quite a few Victorian Monsters and gender division was a big deal in that era.  Men were expected to be a certain way and women were expected to be something even more.  I think on the female side of these elements, the ones that stick out to me are Miss Havisham or Mrs. Joe.  Women in the Victorian Era were expected to be “seen and not heard….or even better…..don’t be seen either”.  Mrs. Joe was definitely more of an “out there” character.  She ruled the roost at her house and a lady boss during the that time was definitely a no-no.  Miss Havisham was definitely not seen but more often heard.  She had such power over people that the women back then were not expected to have.  For the male elements, I’d have to say that Dorian Gray is the main one that comes to my mind.  He was definitely not the typical Victorian man.  He was a little more feminine I guess, concerned with his looks and relationships.

So I hope I’ve gotten my point across and answered this question in the sense of what is was asking.

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